According to the principle of relativistic covariance, this paper presents the relativistic covariant equation of current density. 介绍这一系统的原理、构造及操作。从相对论协变性原理出发,得到了电流密度方程满足相对论协变性的自洽展开式。
Based on the Lorentz-Dirac equation, an equilibrium condition of forces in relativistic covariant form for a charged particle ( it may be a free electron in conductor) in electromagnetic fields is presented with the radiation damping taken into account. 基于洛伦兹-狄拉克方程,本文介绍了计及辐射阻尼力后电磁场中带电单粒子(包括导体中的自由电子)受力平衡条件的一种可能的相对论协变形式。
Relativistic covariant for equation of current density 电流密度方程的相对论协变式